Land Education
What they don’t teach us in real estate school…Land!
Upcoming Land Classes
Each state has their requirements for real estate licensure. Most states require 90 to 140 hours of classroom. Their syllabus is mostly federal and state laws, agency laws, transaction laws, real estate principals, real estate practice, finance, appraisals, property management, escrow, mortgages, etc. They have only a few pages to teach about land, if at all.
“Introduction To Land Brokerage”
4 Hour Elective C.E. for NC Realtors developed to offer not only Land Education to real estate agents, but any professional involved with Land Brokerage such as attorneys, appraisers, surveyors, environmental, title companies and anyone else like Land Investors, Land owners, Land Speculators, Developers, real estate schools in colleges and universities, etc.

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REALTORS® Land Institute
“The Voice of Land”, RLI is the essential national membership organization for land real estate professionals. RLI has over 2,800 national members out of approximately 1.6M REALTORS®
More Land Resources
Land investment, Land for Sale, Buying Land, Land Topics, Marketing Land, Land Issues, Land Experts, and More!
"Let's Talk Land"
Comprehensive Land Education Show that has experts from the various fields of land education, Land Investment and Land Sales. Hosted By Lou Jewell ALC & Teresa Martin

“Lou I wanted to send you a short note and tell you that your podcast changed the direction of my life. I have been in medical sales for 20 years. I knew I wanted/needed a change I received my license in August of last year. I knew I wanted a career in land side because my family has a small cattle farm. I’ve always thought if I can help someone find their piece of land that brings them half as much happiness as I get from working on this farm I would be a lucky guy. Even with my beautiful wife (Terri Griffis, GRI) asking me to make the change I was stuck in Corp America but I was reading land hub, land report and anything I could find on land and land sales when I came across an article you wrote. I quickly found your podcast, before it was even one:), and have I listened to every show at least 3 times. Tom Smith and Rick Taylor are my favorites. Tom spoke to me after his talk about doing what you choose to do after 20 years rather then what you’re told and I will never think of a pine tree or hunting land the same after Rick’s education. I will use RealStack for my website and Clay Malcom when I have to move my company 401K. I started my ALC training today at LANDU. You said to go ahead and get educated to make the 10 million goal more attainable.”
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Contact The Land Man!
Call: (336) 669 – 1405
Email: [email protected]